MANIFESTATION, Lotte Linder & Till Steinbrenner MANIFESTATION, Lotte Linder & Till Steinbrenner MANIFESTATION, Lotte Linder & Till Steinbrenner MANIFESTATION, Lotte Linder & Till Steinbrenner


Duration: 3 hours
9 performers, plywood signs
ISCP Open Studios, New York 2009
Photos: Lotte Lindner & Till Steinbrenner

We are not capable of making an imperativ statement. A demonstration of the fact of wanting to move but not to know the direction. What are the values we want to fight for? Which ideals do we want to follow? Individuals act together, not deedless but directionless.
Special thanks to: Heidi Bartlett, Shannon Duggan, Carolina Guzman, Christophe Lima, Rachael Niase, Kate Running, Kelly Stinson, Vanessa Thill, Susan T. Woolf